The ONE thing that DOUBLED my nutrition coaching income in a pandemic

Nov 05, 2020


The beginning of the pandemic was scary, but the most frightening part was making some big changes to my business  - for about a year, my business was stagnant around 10K months regardless of what I tried. So I knew some big changes needed to be made and it horrified me. 

The one thing that helped me move through this and actually DOUBLE my income through a pandemic?


See for the longest time I've had a bit of a superhero complex - "I can do it all" and be everything to everyone. This ended up looking like a nutrition coach that was: 

- working with 1-on-1 clients

- running a nutrition coaching course for coaches

- selling e-books and programs

- seminars and packages

This left me scattered and burnt out and constantly convincing people how they could work with me. It was draining.

But after hiring a new business coach Libby for some specific marketing help, she helped me realize what the problem with my messaging and the overall business.

It was confusing!

I even had a hard time explaining it. How would anyone truly understand what I did and how I helped people with so much going on. 

The fix? Focusing on my most profitable service (the Dr. Marc Method - an online mentorship program for aspiring nutrition coaches) and aligning my actions and marketing with that. This meant giving up some things, which was admittedly really hard given my desire to do it all. 

Most nutrition coaches struggle to make more money because they are trying to do to much out of scarcity - "if I offer more I'll get more business right?" 

This spills into your marketing and priorities -  making it tough to pinpoint what is really working for you (a lot like a client trying three different diets at once). Let's dive a little deeper here.


Here's the common scenario: you have a program opening in a month, but since you're so busy with your other offers , you only really start promoting it weeks before. A week out you are basically convincing people to join so you can fill it up. It's exhausting. 

When you are focusing on one offer, you can CONSTANTLY talk about the one thing you help people with - in my case the Dr. Marc method and building confident nutrition coaches - and it gives new consumers a chance to get to know you, the product, and if they are interested (some say people need to see your content 5-6x before they make a decision). This doesn't happen when you post three times per year a week out about your offer.

Once I shifted this focus in my marketing my traffic doubled and so did enrollment in the program: 


Since you ALL of your attention is on the offer making you the most money, you have no choice but to prioritize it. Clients see better results and you have more to market and this momentum builds.

This seems so simple but when you are being pulled in a million different directions you never get a chance to prioritize what means the most for you business. Focus can help you do that! 


Focus gave me clarity in my nutrition coaching business - for anyone in a similar situation I recommend spending some time looking at what makes you the most money (per hour, not just gross) and focus your time on that service and the actions that help you build it. 

This focus has literally transformed my business and it's looking up from here. 

- Coach Marc 

PS: if you are struggling to become a confident nutrition coach you need to sign up for the Dr. Marc Method. 

Sign up for the "Dr. Marc method" HERE.

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