Way Of The Weigh In Presents

Weight Cutting Masterclass Course

Maximize your performance using proven strategies to optimize the 2 hour weigh in





Are you passionate about understanding the theory and practical application of weight cutting and how you can maximize performance on the platform? 

Let Me Know If This Sounds Familiar?

You're a weight class athlete, you know if you were to hit the same numbers at a lower weight class, your chances at being more competitive and the likelihood to get a podium position is greater. So you need to cut weight but when you get on google, you're left feeling like they're is so many ways you can cut that it stresses you out.

But you've tried cutting weight before, you were sitting above your weight class the week of the meet.  So you started to freak out and then decided to starve yourself and use all cutting strategies under the sun. The day of the meet you come in 2 Kg underweight and you felt like garbage during your warmups and performance on meet day was awful. 


What you need is a course to teach you the science of weight cutting alongside a well structured plan so that you can make weight stress free and ultimately reach your full potential. That is why we created this 7 module course, giving you the tools to succeed in weight class sports.



Giving you the knowledge and tools to successfully complete your long/short term weight cuts with ease

Here's What Some Top Level Athletes Have to say

My name is Bryce Krawczyk, and I’m a 2x IPF World Record Holder, and a 4x IPF World Medalist.  My personal nutrition has been handled by Marc Morris for a period of about 1.5 years now.  Nearly all of the information Marc uses to create strategies for my weight gain and loss, as well as water cuts for competitions is all contained in The Way of the Weigh In.  The use of those principles and strategies has been instrumental in my success on the platform as well as my improvements in body composition.  The approach outlined in the book is actually less of an approach and more of a distillation of the currently agreed-upon science regarding weight gain and loss for strength athletes.  The information is clearly laid out so you can pick through and figure out exactly what pertains to you, and in what situations it’s useful.  As a coach myself, I recommend all of my competitors check out Marc’s book, and I implement many of the very same practices with my athletes on a regular basis come game day.  The Way of the Weigh in is a universally useful collection of information that can provide an easy to read roadmap for anyone looking to use nutrition to improve their performance.

- Bryce Krawczyk


As a weightlifter, Marc has used the principles in “Way of the Weigh-In” to guide me through 10+ weight cuts, including Western and National Championships. “Limit sodium, eliminate vegetables and swap food choices” is what always resonates in my head. Eating high-calorie dense foods has allowed me to eat throughout the day prior to weigh in and most importantly not feel hungry. Following the guidance of Marc has allowed for very successful weigh-ins and meets.


-Jeff Woo

Listen to Dr Marc Morris discussing the main differences between long and short term dieting




The weight cutting masterclass  provides a step-by-step path to underlying the physiology and practical application of weight cutting from start to finish. Our team guides you through the process every step of the way. Here's how we do it:

  • Unlimited access to pre-recorded lessons released every week in a private members-only portal - so you can work at your own pace, on our own time. 
  • While you work through the the trainings you'll also take action with learning activities and quizzes to test your knowledge 

What will the weight cutting masterclass do for you?

1. How to create a effective weight cutting strategies

This course will teach you what variables you need to manipulate dependant on the magnitude of weight loss in order to make weight

2. Optimize your performance

With proper weight cutting and recomp strategies, you will be able to improve your strength while increasing competitiveness at big competitions at a lower bodyweight

3. Improve your skills as a coach

If you are a coach who works with weight class athletes, understanding how an effective weight cutting plan can be the difference between being on or off the podium at national/international competitions

"What does a successful weight cut look like?"

Athlete Taylor Wallace managed to utilize a combination of long/short term weight cutting strategies in order to optimize performance (increased his total by 24 Kg and a  35 wilks score points)

7 Modules

Our weight cutting masterclass will go over topics covering the science, physiology and practical application of short/long term weight cutting:


  1. Weight Cutting 101
  2. Body Composition 
  3. Long Term Weight Manipulation
  4. Impact Of Medication and Supplements
  5. Short Term Weight Manipulations
  6. Post Weigh In Period
  7. Case Studies

Enhance your knowledge and sign up now!

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If you've made it this far then...

You see the potential of how effective weight cutting strategies may be the key to optimizing your performance.

 You see value in understanding how to maximize your body composition for your respective weight class sport 

Additionally, as a coach having this knowledge will help you optimize performance on competition day for your athletes

And now is the time to do it.

Sign up down below!